Search Results | polar ice caps

Your search for "polar ice caps" returned 41 results

Are Polar Bears Endangered?

Polar bears and global warming are getting attention from conservationists and the general public. See why polar bears are threatened by global warming.

Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting Faster Than We Thought?

The polar ice caps have been in the news recently because of their alleged shrinking due to global warming. How much would the oceans rise if the ice caps melted completely?

How do reindeer find enough food in the tundra?

Reindeer find food in the form of mosses, shrubs, and lichens -- a cross between algae and fungus. Learn how reindeer find food in the frozen tundra.

How Much Water Is on Earth?

Water is one of the most abundant substances on the planet. About 70 percent of our planet is covered by oceans, but just how much water is there on Earth?

Exploring Mars: Insights Into the Red Planet

Since the 1960s, we've been captivated by the planet Mars. How different is our neighbor, and what have we learned about the most explored planet?

How do they measure sea level?

How do they measure "sea level"? Is it the average of the tides? And is the sea level actually rising or not?

How Terraforming Mars Will Work

The thought of terraforming Mars is one of those ideas so outrageous that it just might work! Learn how it will work!

What Do Reindeer Do When They're Not Pulling Santa's Sleigh?

HowStuffWorks takes a look at reindeer, those super flying sleigh pullers of Christmas Eve.

The Mars Quiz

Mars: There's been a lot of misinformation and myth-making about our nearest neighbor in the Solar System. Can you sort out the truth from the sci-fi? Try it now with our quiz!

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